Actually the error on the AMP social share button for
this Pinterest button I have felt from a few days ago.
However I think this may be an update or an improvement
from AMP or maybe from Pinterest.
But it turns out the error on the Pinterest button for
AMP continues. Finally I was curious to find the cause of this error Pinterest
This error occurs when the Pinterest button clicks, the
popup share box is out as usual, but there is an odd number on the image post
it like unreadable and can not save post.
Finally I found the solution, and now the Pinterest
button on AMP social share back to normal and can save post.
If you are using an AMP template and experience something
similar, please follow the steps to fix the error.
Please find the social amp amp share for Pinterest like /
similar code below.
<amp-social-share type='pinterest'/>
Then add the expr code: data-param-media = 'data:
post.firstImageUrl' on Pinterest's social amp code so it looks like below.
<amp-social-share expr:data-param-media='data:post.firstImageUrl' type='pinterest'/>
Done, now please try to share the post to Pinterest.
Good luck....
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